Installing a geothermal system in your home means that part or all of your hot water can be supplied by the geothermal system. One of the more economical methods of hot water heating is a the use of a desuperheater, which is a unit added to the geothermal system. A desuperheater transfers heated gasses from the heat pump compressor to the water heater. This hot water then moves through a pipe to your home’s water heater tank.
In the winter months, if a desuperheater isn’t producing enough, your conventional hot water heater meets your home’s hot water needs. When the geothermal unit is running a lot, you’re able to get all of your hot water with the desuperheater, essentially at no cost.
Another option available today are triple function geothermal systems, a popular item among many manufacturers. These systems offer heating, cooling, and hot water all in one system. They include a separate heat exchanger that meets your home’s hot water needs.