FLOW-AIDE System Descaler quickly dissolves water scale, lime, rust and other water formed deposits, restoring efficiency to most all applications
- FLOW-AIDE has the ability to dissolve approximately two pounds of calcium carbonate scale per US gallon while at 70 Degrees F in concentrated form
- If the FLOW-AIDE is diluted, it will still dissolve two pounds per US gallon, but will require additional circulating time
- FLOW-AIDE is non-hazardous, noncorrosive, noninjurious, nontoxic
- Biodegradable descaler that is heavily fortified with wetting & penetrating agents which actually dissolve water scale, lime, mud, rust and other water formed deposits from water operated equipment
- Certified for NSF/ANSI 60 for use as a cleaner in potable water systems
- FLOW-AIDE is NSF registered for use in beverage, pharmaceutical, bottling, poultry, and other food processing plants
- USFDA has no jurisdiction over the product, since it does not come in contact with food
- Non-Corrosive, Non-Toxic, Fully Biodegradable, Safe to Handle, Zero VOC
- 1 Quart jug with Spout
Excellent for Cleaning and Descaling:
- Boilers
- Chillers
- Evaporators
- Tanks
- Humidifiers
- Condensers
- Water Heaters
- Heat Exchangers
- Potable Water Lines
- Ice Machines